Tel: +358 40 353 8410
Mailing address:
Aalto University School of Economics
P.O. Box 21240
00076 Aalto
Visiting address:
Arkadiankatu 7
Helsinki, Finland
Research papers
Aging and productivity: Evidence from piece-rates, (2012) with Roope Uusitalo
Cross-border health and productivity effects of alcohol policies, (2012) with Per Johansson and Jouko Verho.
School tracking and development of cognitive skills, (2012) with Sari Pekkala and Roope Uusitalo, forthcoming in Journal of Labor Economics
School tracking and intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from the Finnish Comprehensive School Reform (2009), with Sari Pekkala and Roope Uusitalo. Journal of Public Economics, 93, pages 965-973.
Global sex differences in test score variablilty (2008), with Stephen Machin. Science, 322, pages 1331-1332.
Gender differences in educational attainment: Evidence on the role of tracking from a Finnish quasi-experiment (2008). Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 110(4), pages 807-825.
Performance pay and earnings (2008), with Chris Riddell. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), pages 297-319.
O-ring wage inequality (2007), with Alberto Dalmazzo and Pasquale Scaramozzino, Economica, 74, 515-536.
Gender differences in promotion on a job ladder: Evidence from Finnish metalworkers (2006), with Juhana Vartiainen, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (2).
Complexity, wages, and the O-ring production function (2002), Labour Economics, 9, pages 531-546.
Other publications
Gender differences in education, (2012) forthcoming in Nordic Economic Policy Review
Labor Economics, with Matti Sarvimäki